Roles & permissions


  • Company Admin - full permissions on account level

  • Admin - full permissions on project level

  • Editor - write permissions on project level

  • Viewer - read permissions on project level


  • - permission is included in the role

  • - permission is not included in the role

Roles →

Permissions ↓

Company Admin




Permissions go to all projects within the account

Permissions below are available within the assigned account → project

User management

Search users

Add user to the account

Assign user to a project

Add | remove | update role


Add | remove Company Admin role




Search identifications

View identifications

Add identifications manually

Export identifications

Edit document information

View forms and documents

Download forms and documents

View media files

Download media files

Change identification status

Reprocess registry checks

View logs

Generate / Copy KYC link




View stoplist

Search and filter stoplist

Export the stoplist

Add facial biometrics to stoplist

Remove facial biometrics from stoplist

Add document data to stoplist

Remove document data from stoplist

Client card



Search client cards

View client cards

Export client cards

Edit client cards

Archive client cards

Re-activate client cards

View forms and documents

Download forms and documents

View media files

Download media files

View related files

Download related files

Upload related files

Rename related files

Delete related files

View comments

Add comments

Delete comments

View logs

Delete client cards

Person monitoring



View client specific monitoring rules

Start client specific monitoring rules

Edit client specific monitoring rules

Stop / delete client specific monitoring rules

View monitoring events

Mark monitoring events as reviewed

Export the list of monitoring events

KYB identification



Search KYB identifications

View KYB / KYC identifications

Export KYB / KYC identifications

View forms

Download forms

View media files (KYC identification)

Download media files (KYC identification)

View comments

Add comments

Delete comments

Change KYB identification status

Change representative’s KYC status

Change KYB related file “Review status”

Upload KYB related files

Rename KYB related files

Delete KYB related files

View logs

Generate / Copy KYC link

Business card



Search business cards

View business cards

Export business cards

Edit business cards

Archive business cards

Re-activate business cards

View KYB / KYC identifications

Export KYB / KYC identifications

View related files

Download related files

Upload related files

Rename related files

Delete related files

View comments

Add comments

Delete comments

View logs

AML screening



Search for a person / business

View search result details

Export search results (incl details)

Company reports



View company reports

Order company reports

Company search



Search companies

View company details

Company watch



Start watching a company

Stop watching a company

View watched companies

Search watched companies

Remove watched companies

Export the list of watched companies

View watched events

Search watched events

Mark watched events as reviewed

Export the list of watched events

Bulk upload companies into watchlist

Bulk remove companies from watchlist