

360 Degree Overview of
Your Customers

During the initial ID checks, your potential client's background is analyzed. AI quickly runs through its IP address and where its email was used previously. These checks are followed by sanctions, politically exposed persons, and adverse media screenings. All of this paints a complete picture of your potential client, allowing you to evaluate the suspicions quickly.

Identification card explained



1 - Review & Request status

2 - Selfie & document photo captured during the identification process including a timestamp, a possibility to flip, zoom in/out & download. The number of attempts is showing how many times the photos had to be captured to reach acceptable quality.

3 - Document data captured during the identification process automatically and/or edited → saved manually in the review stage. Exact content depends on document type used.

4 - Face match evaluation reflects the match level of a person on the selfie & a document photo captured during the identification process.

The system analyses multiple burst shots from the person's movement to determine the best frame possible for matching with the most biometric points visible. In addition a 3D face pattern from a selfie is used & compared with a person's photo on their identification document (2D).

The outcome will be placed in following level perspective :

  • Match Level 9 - 99.99995% (1/2,000,000 FAR)

  • Match Level 8 - 99.9999% (1/950,000 FAR)

  • Match Level 7 - 99.9998% (1/500,000 FAR)

  • Match Level 6 - 99.999% (1/100,000 FAR)

  • Match Level 5 - 99.99% (1/10,000 FAR)

  • Match Level 4 - 99.99% (1/1,000 FAR)

  • Match Level 3 - 99.8% (1/500 FAR)

  • Match Level 2 - 99.6% (1/250 FAR)

  • Match Level 1 - 99% (1/100 FAR)

  • Match Level 0 - Non-match

With NFC document scan enabled & used in the identification process, following info appears in Face match evaluation section accordingly:

  • Match level with NFC <match level value>

5 - Rules section reflects the set of high-priority & additional validation checks performed during the identification process.

The icon in front of the validation check shows the status of the check:

  • Check has been completed and validation passed.

  • Check has been completed and validation failed.

  • Check has not been completed.

High-priority validation checks include:

  • Document is expired

  • Person is under 18 years old

  • Unsupported country or state

  • Unsupported nationality

Additional validation checks include:

  • Same person on the selfie & document photo

  • Document contains face

  • Selfie contains face

  • One person during the process

  • Both sides of the document provided

  • Passive liveness

  • Biometric age above the set treshold

  • & many more

6 - Registration section reflects the timestamps of when the identification process started & was finished.

7 - Registry checks processed during the identification process.

The icon in front of each registry check shows the status of the check:

  • Check has been completed and validation passed.

  • Check has been completed and validation failed.

  • Check has not been completed.

8 - Fraud checks include email address, IP address analysis & whether or not the person is added to stop list & document photo modified.

9 - IP information includes the number of attempts used in the process with the same IP address reflected in the IP address field. By clicking on the number, a pop-up appears including all the unique identification IDs related to the IP in question.

10 - Technical information includes the details of device & browser used as well as when the consent was agreed by the person during identification process.

11 - Export to PDF and Copy URL buttons to export the selected identification details in PDF format and/or copy the selected identification address in order to share it with other colleague for example.

12 - Reject and Approve buttons to change the identification status to Rejected or Passed manual.