User management

This page provides details on user management within the OS, encompassing the following capabilities:

  • The Company Admin can view and manage all users across all projects associated with the main account.

  • The Admin can view all users across all projects associated with the main account but can only manage those within the projects they have an Admin role assigned.

The user roles above can access user management by clicking the following option in the left menu of the OS.

  • Company settings

Table of Contents

User list


1 - Search input allows to search for users based on their name or email linked to the chosen account.

2 - Filter settings include Project name, Environment and Role options.

Project name and Environment filters include all projects/environments linked to the chosen account.

3 - Hide projects with no access checkbox:

  • If checked, the project(s) will be hidden when the following conditions are met:

    • Both Testing and Production environment roles per project are either NO ACCESS and/or X.

  • If left unchecked, all the projects at the selected account level will be displayed.

4 - The Search button functions by displaying all users that match the specified search criteria and filters.

User settings

View user 1.png

1 - By selecting the View button, you can access the details and settings of the chosen OS user.

1 - Project roles section reflects following:

  • Project name the OS user is assigned to within the selected account.

  • Testing role assigned to the OS user per project’s testing environment within the selected account.

  • Production role assigned to the OS user per project’s production environment within the selected account.

2 - Upon clicking the Remove all roles button, all roles associated with the projects that the user has permission to edit other users' roles will be removed.

3 - Upon clicking the Save roles button, any changes made in the "Testing role" and/or "Production role" columns will be saved.

4 - The Set a Company Admin role button will appear for a user holding the Company Admin role when accessing the user's details/settings that do not match the Company Admin role in the same account.

5 - The Resend invitation button will only appear if the chosen user has not confirmed their email by providing their first and last name and setting up the OS login password.

Add a new user


1 - To add a new user, simply click on the Add a new user button.

2 - Enter the email address of the new user.

3 - Choose and assign the most appropriate role(s) to the new user.