Migration v1 → v2

The main update pertains to the function interface. The callbacks outlined below, which were previously part of the load function, have now been relocated to the begin function.

onSuccess: (props) => console.log('onSuccess', props), onFailure: (props) => console.log('onFailure', props), onClose: () => console.log('onClose')

A new object level has been added to the SDK. In the past, you could simply call begin at the first level.

However, this has changed. Now, you need to use idvSdk.idv.begin({…}), instead of idvSdk?.begin({.. }).

The retry: true property has been removed from idvSdk.idv.begin({…}). This adjustment brings in native functionality that enables the reuse of the same idvId when trying to start a closed process. It will be cached out of the box.