Table of Contents
IntroductionThis API’s main goal is to screen persons and businesses on an ongoing basis through our AML database.
AuthorizationTo access our AML screening API you need to provide an access token in each request.
Learn how to get an access token here .
The API has one scope: aml_monitoring_api
, which provides access to all endpoints of this API.
Environments EndpointsThis API has the following endpoints:
Worklist endpointsClick to view/close
1 post /v1/worklists
Create a new worklist
2 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}
Retrieve a specific worklist
3 put /v1/worklists/{worklistId}
Update an existing worklist
4 delete /v1/worklists/{worklistId}
Delete a specific worklist
5 post /v1/worklists/search
Get a list of created worklists
Person monitoring endpointsClick to view/close
1 Monitoring
2 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/search
Get all person records in the monitoring worklist
3 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/batch-async
Add multiple person records in the monitoring worklist with asynchronous operation (limit 10k records)
4 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/batch
Add multiple person records in the monitoring worklist (limit 25 records)
5 put /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/batch
Update multiple person records in the monitoring worklist (limit 25 records)
6 delete /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/batch
Delete multiple person records from the monitoring worklist (limit 25 records)
7 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}
Get a specific person record from the monitoring worklist
8 put /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}
Update a specific person record in the monitoring worklist
9 delete /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}
Delete a specific person record from the monitoring worklist
10 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records
Create a person record in the monitoring worklist
11 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/batch/{id}
Get batch-async operation results
12 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/batch/{id}/records
Get batch-async operation individual records and their status
13 Retrieve matches
14 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}/search
Search for all matches of the specific person record in the monitoring worklist
15 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/{matchId}
Search for a particular match of the specific person record in the monitoring worklist
16 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/{matchId}/reviews
Get reviews of the match of the specific person record in the monitoring worklist
17 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/{matchId}/reviews
Create a review for a specified match
18 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/natural-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/reviews
Create reviews for multiple matches
19 Get record details
20 get /v1/natural-entity-details/{resourceId}
Get the profile data of the person that was matched with a record
Business monitoring endpointsClick to view/close
1 Monitoring
2 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/search
Get all business records in the monitoring worklist
3 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/batch-async
Add multiple business records to the monitoring worklist with asynchronous operation (limit 10k records)
4 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/batch
Add multiple business records to the monitoring worklist (limit 25 records)
5 put /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/batch
Update multiple business records in the monitoring worklist (limit 25 records)
6 delete /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/batch
Delete multiple business records from the monitoring worklist (limit 25 records)
7 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}
Get a specific business record from the monitoring worklist
8 put /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}
Update a specific business record in the monitoring worklist
9 delete /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}
Delete a specific business record from the monitoring worklist
10 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records
Create a business record in the monitoring worklist
11 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/batch/{id}
Get batch-async operation results
12 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/batch/{id}/records
Get batch-async operation individual records and their status
13 Retrieve matches
14 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}/search
Search for all matches of a specific business record in the monitoring worklist
15 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/{matchId}
Search for a particular match of a specific business record in the monitoring worklist
16 get /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/{matchId}/reviews
Get reviews of the match of the specific business record in the monitoring worklist
17 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/{matchId}/reviews
Create a review for a specified match
18 post /v1/worklists/{worklistId}/legal-entity-records/{recordId}/matches/reviews
Create reviews for multiple matches
19 Get record details
20 get /v1/legal-entity-details/{resourceId}
Get the profile data of the business that was matched with a record
Service statusClick to view/close
1 get /v1/information/screening-status
Get the global status of the AML service (screening frequency still depends on individual worklist configuration).
WorklistsTo start monitoring persons or businesses, you need to set up a worklist.
To learn how to create, update, and manage your worklists, please visit this page:
Person monitoringTo monitor persons, you can use the person monitoring endpoints.
To learn how to add, update, and delete person records in your worklists, as well as how to search for matches and retrieve detailed information, please visit this page:
Business monitoringTo monitor businesses, you can use the business monitoring endpoints.
To learn how to add, update, and delete business records in your worklists, as well as how to search for matches and retrieve detailed information, please visit this page:
DatasetsWhen setting up a worklist, you have to provide the datasets where monitoring records will be screened. Which dataset to provide in the worklist depends on the entity type, you are monitoring. Some datasets are only for person monitoring, others for businesses.
You can find the description of all our datasets here .