Customer onboarding (KYC) integration without UI

Customer onboarding (KYC) integration without UI

Table of Contents


This documentation is designed to walk you through the Customer Onboarding (KYC) process, including partial API integration.

Extent of the integration can be adjusted based on your business individual needs.
Please contact [support@ondato.com] for more details.

Integration steps

Make sure you have a valid access token to access our APIs.

For more information on how to obtain one, please visit Authentication.

Create Identity Verification (IDV) by making a post request to the IDV API → /v1/identity-verifications endpoint with setupId in the request body.

{ "externalReferenceId": "123", "registration": { "dateOfBirth": "2021-01-14", "email": "John@email.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Johnson", "middleName": "Adam", "personalCode": "1214148111000", "phoneNumber": 370624515141, "countryCode": "LT" }, "setupId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6" }
{ "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6" }

More information about setups can be found here: Getting started | ⚙ī¸ Setups.

Obtain KYC setupId by making a get request to the IDV API → /v1/identity-verifications/{id}/setup endpoint with the id from the step response (in this example d2a23cc8-e865-4a27-9528-2e075ba0c814):

{ "id": "e1d81bcc-dcd5-446d-9a8f-1d03fac2a157", "versionId": "52cf6623-7d46-4c19-bd53-f7f9241d9315", "applicationId": "9faef8ff-d12d-4037-8072-9ec8cda3c94f", "createdUtc": "2022-09-30T10:30:34.493Z", "modifiedUtc": "2022-09-30T10:30:34.493Z", "isDisabled": false, "name": "Jurgitos setup Test Account", "webAppSetting": { "baseUrl": "https://sandbox-idv.ondato.com/", "localisationSettings": [ { "successRedirectUrl": "https://www.ondato.com", "pageTitle": "Idv Title" } ] }, "omnichannel": { "enabled": false, "appStoreEnabled": false, "restrictToSameIpAddress": false, "onlyMobileEnabled": false }, "sessionScreenRecording": { "enabled": false }, "steps": [ { "type": "KycIdentification", "order": 1, "setupId": "d2a23cc8-e865-4a27-9528-2e075ba0c814" }, { "type": "Consent", "order": 0 } ] }

Create KYC identification by making a post request to the KYC Identifications API → /v1/identifications endpoint.

Change IDV status to “In Progress” by making a put request to the IDV API → /v1/identity-verifications/{id}/status endpoint.

Upload KYC document file by making a put request to the KYC Identifications API → /v1/identifications/{id}/document endpoint.

Upload KYC face file by making a put request to the KYC Identifications API → /v1/identifications/{id}/face-tec-liveness-2d endpoint.

Initiate verification of uploaded files by making a put request to the KYC Identifications API → /v1/identifications/{id}/verification endpoint.

Complete the identification by making a put request to the KYC Identifications API → /v1/identifications/{id}/complete endpoint.

Additional IDV data about the customer that can be passed

  • For Customer Audits:

    • Use post method at IDV API → /v1/identity-verifications/{id}/activity-logs.

  • For Activity logs:

    • Use put method at IDV API → /v1/identity-verifications/{id}/customer-audits.

Integration sequence diagram

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