📁 Table of Contents
ℹ️ Introduction
This documentation is designed to walk you through the Customer Onboarding (KYC) process, including full API integration.
Extent of the integration can be adjusted based on your business individual needs.
Please contact [support@ondato.com] for more details.
🔶 Integration workflow
🐾 Integration steps
1️⃣ Make sure you have a valid access token to access our APIs. For more information on how to obtain one, please visit Authentication.
2️⃣ Create Identity Verification (IDV) by making a POST request to the IDV API → /v1/identity-verifications
endpoint with setupId
in the request body.
More information about setups can be found here: https://ondato.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/2295759776/Getting+started#%E2%9A%99%EF%B8%8F-Setups.
3️⃣ Generate IDV URL with Identity Verifications (IDV) id
that was received in step #2.
The URL must be in the following format:
Production: https://idv.ondato.com/?id={id}
Production URL example: https://idv.ondato.com/?id=02c99769-51a5-4174-aa5b-3fa0c2e6bfef
This URL can be shared with your customers so that they can complete KYC identification.
If a white-labeled address is being used for the process, then idv.ondato.com should be replaced with the configured address, such as: https://subdomain.yourdomain.com/?id={id}.
4️⃣ Track customer onboarding progress by receiving webhooks.
KYC identification webhooks will include payload information from the KYC Identifications API resource
.IDV webhooks will include payload information from the IDV API resource
To get more details about Ondato webhooks and how to begin receiving them, please check out the following page: Webhooks.
5️⃣ Retrieve data about Identity Verification (IDV) by making a GET request to the IDV API → /v1/identity-verifications/{id}
6️⃣ Retrieve KYC data by making a GET request to the KYC Identifications API → /v1/identifications/{id}
endpoint to retrieve KYC Identifications (KYC ID) details.
To get the media files use fileId
and call GET /v1/identifications/{id}/files/{fileId}
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