Expand |
title | Expand to see the example request |
Code Block |
| {
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"referenceId": "02241D31-2058-45AD-8D03-6AACF97863B8",
"referenceType": "My Reference"
} |
Expand |
title | Expand to see the example request |
Code Block |
| {
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"referenceType": "My Reference"
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Expand |
title | Expand to see the example response |
Code Block |
| {
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"referenceType": "My Reference",
"error": {
"code": "MS101",
"message": "Error message"
} |
Expand |
title | Expand to see the example request |
Code Block |
| {
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"dateOfBirth": "person Name1994-08-22",
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"referenceId": "02241D31-2058-45AD-8D03-6AACF97863B8",
"referenceType": "My Reference"
} |
Expand |
title | Expand to see the example request |
Code Block |
| {
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Expand |
title | Expand to see the example response |
Code Block |
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Expand |
title | Expand to see the example response |
Code Block |
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Expand |
title | Expand to see the example request |
Code Block |
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Expand |
title | Expand to see the example response |
Code Block |
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Expand |
title | Expand to see the example response |
Code Block |
| {
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"matches": [
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"matchId": "432523",
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"resourceId": "1f5a940e6a16d390bfe75055c3176f64c5b397880ff08e04b61ad7325af76cc4",
"score": 100,
"match": "personBoyko nameBorissov",
"name": "FoundBoyko personMetodiev nameBorisov",
"countries": [
"dataSetsdatesOfBirth": [
"matchVersiongender": 1"Male",
} |
Retrieve a specific match of the person
Example response
Expand |
title | Expand to see the example response |
Code Block |
| { "currentStatusprofileImage": "Openhttps://www.acurisriskintelligence.com/cdn/content/0024300000/0024297990.jpg",
"dataSets": [
"matchVersion": 1
} |
Retrieve a specific match of the person
Example response
Expand |
title | Expand to see the example response |
Code Block |
| {
"currentStatus": "Open",
"matchId": "432523",
"version": 15346444345,
"resourceId": "1f5a940e6a16d390bfe75055c3176f64c5b397880ff08e04b61ad7325af76cc4",
"score": 100,": 100,
"match": "Boyko Borissov",
"name": "Boyko Metodiev Borisov",
"countries": [
"datesOfBirth": [
"match": "person name"1994-08-22"
"namegender": "Found person nameMale",
"countriesprofileImage": [
"dataSets": [
"matchVersion": 1
Get monitored person match details
Example can be found here: https://ondato.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/23797432332379612161/BusinessPerson+AML+Screening#%F0%9F%97%92%EF%B8%8F-Example.1Screening#%3Ainfo%3A-%F0%9F%A7%91%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%A6%B1-Get-person-details-by-id