Web SDK OnAge integration

Web SDK OnAge integration

Ondato’s OnAge solution allow your customers to complete the process from anywhere, with any device, in a matter of seconds. With this method, Ondato employs AI and machine learning to gather and analyse biometric data, which is then used to create a 3D map of the customer’s face and accurately place them in an age group without gathering or storing any personal data. With a quick selfie, we are able to perform liveness checks, preventing any spoofing attempts or masks from getting through while keeping the steps easy for your clients.



Table of Contents


The current flow only allows using the Web Browser SDK by installing it through npm or using it as a script.

Latest version


  • Supported: Only web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge etc.).

  • Not supported: Native application languages like React-Native, Flutter etc.

Getting started with npm

To begin, run the following command:

npm install @ondato-public/idv-sdk


  • Adjusted .npmrc file with custom registry.

  • Obtain the static OnAge setup id.

  • Verify the Web browser version limitations.

    • Refer to the documentation here.

  • Review npm examples for a better understanding.

Example npm

Download example here

// Typescript React example import { memo, ReactElement, useCallback, useState } from 'react'; import { IdvLanguage, load, SdkMode, version, SdkLoadResult, SdkOnSuccessResult, SdkOnFailureResult, SdkOnCloseResult } from '@ondato-public/idv-sdk'; export const AppNew = memo((): ReactElement => { const [onAgeSetupId, setOnAgeSetupId] = useState(''); const [language, setLanguage] = useState(''); const [sdkOnAge, setSdkOnAge] = useState<SdkLoadResult | null>(null); const [isLoaded, setIsLoaded] = useState(false); const loadHandlerOnage = useCallback(() => { try { const onAge = load({ mode: SdkMode.Sandbox, }); setSdkOnAge(onAge); setIsLoaded(true); } catch (error) { console.warn('OnageSdkLoadFailure', error); alert(`OnageSdkLoadFailure, ${error}`); } }, []); const beginHandlerOnAge = useCallback(async () => { try { if (sdkOnAge?.onAge.begin) { await sdkOnAge.onAge.begin({ onAgeSetupId: onAgeSetupId.trim(), language: language.trim() as IdvLanguage, onSuccess: (props: SdkOnSuccessResult) => { console.log('onSuccess', { props }); alert(`onSuccess, OnAge: ${props}`); }, onFailure: (props: SdkOnFailureResult) => { console.log('onFailure', props); alert(`onFailure, OnAge: ${props}, reason: ${props}}`); }, onClose: (props: SdkOnCloseResult) => { console.log('onClose ', props.id); }, }); } } catch (error) { console.warn('OnAgeSdkBeginFailure', error); alert(`OnAgeSdkBeginFailure, ${error}`); } }, [sdkOnAge?.onAge, onAgeSetupId, language]); const versionHandler = useCallback(() => { alert(version()); }, []); const endHandlerOnAge = useCallback(() => { sdkOnAge?.onAge.end(); }, [sdkOnAge]); return ( <> <button type="button" disabled={isLoaded} onClick={loadHandlerOnage}> Load OnAge </button> <button type="button" onClick={versionHandler}> SDK version </button> <button type="button" disabled={!isLoaded} onClick={beginHandlerOnAge}> Begin On age </button> <button type="button" className="end-action" onClick={endHandlerOnAge} disabled={!isLoaded} > X </button> <button type="button" className="end-action" onClick={endHandlerOnAge} disabled={!isLoaded} > X </button> <div className="input-group"> <input type="text" placeholder="OnAge setup Id" value={onAgeSetupId} onChange={(event) => setOnAgeSetupId(event.target.value)} /> <input type="text" className="short-input" placeholder="en-GB (optional)" value={language} onChange={(event) => setLanguage(event.target.value)} /> </div> </> ); });


  • Full TypeScript support is available. Full list *.d.ts types can be downloaded from script examples or when installed through npm.

Getting started with javascript Script

To begin, run the following command:


  • Ensure the script is configured with the correct OnAge library build file in the index.html.

  • Obtain the static OnAge setup id.

  • Verify the Web browser version limitations.

    • Refer to the documentation here.

Example script

Download example here

Flows explained

To illustrate how to implement flows, consider the following code snippet:


  • Purpose: To invoke the initial Web SDK instance.

  • Return: On success, it provides the onAge.begin() and onAge.end() methods.

  • Accepted property: The mode interface (used for setting the environment).

Possible exceptions:




Data flow


New Visitor

Returning Visitor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Why should both the begin() and load() methods be used within a try-catch block?

    • Both methods should be utilized within a try-catch block to ensure proper error handling.

  • What happens to the session id during an F5 (page refresh)?

    • In the event of an F5 (page refresh), the same session id will be retained, allowing the same session to be loaded seamlessly.

  • Where can I find a list of available languages?



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