Wehook event | Webhook is triggered when; |
Identity Verification (IDV) resource webhooks | |
| user accepts consent agreement on new identification. |
| IDV status changes. |
KYC Identifiation recourse webhooks | |
| KYC Identification step is started by the customer. |
| KYC Identification is completed by the customer. |
| KYC Identification identification is manually or automatically approved. |
| document data of KYC Identification is updated in Ondato Portal. |
| KYC Identification is manually or automatically rejected. |
KYB Identification resource webhooks | |
| Customer finished filling in business onboarding form. |
| All KYC identifications were approved and all registries checks were successfully validated. |
| Not all KYC identifications were approved and/or not all registries were successfully validated. |
| KYB related document entity is created in the KYB identification with status “NeedReview”. |
| KYB related document file is uploaded to the document entity. |
| KYB related document is verified and status is changed from “NeedReview” to “Validated”/ “Invalidated”. |
| KYB related document is deleted from KYB identification. |